Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Is it serious?

The video includes a lecture by Alan Watts on a number of wonderful subjects - but the subject that inspired me to post this video is not one he addresses (at least not directly). I was jogging when I first listened to this lecture as a podcast. The first minute went by and I had to stop running to catch my breath - I was laughing too much. Why was I laughing? Alan Watts wasn't making jokes, or ironic references, or anything "funny." But nevertheless, something was humorous.

Watts asks a simple question. Is existence serious? He also can't help but laugh after asking this question - as you hear in the video. What is so funny about this??

Henri Bergson wrote an interesting treatise called Laughter. Anyway, enjoy Mr. Watts - and I highly recommend downloading the Watts podcasts on itunes - They're Free!

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